We couldn’t let today go by without a nod to the horror book genre many of us love so much.
For lots of us, it is an escape. To be utterly absorbed in a scary story is in itself can be a form of self-care. I (PoetsIN Paul) like nothing more than being scared – it makes me feel alive.
So, for Halloween we’re taking a trip down a darkened memory lane for me. I touched on it briefly when I explained about my introduction to “grown up” writing, via horror books at a very early age. My first was The Rats by James Herbert when I was about 8 years old; and I loved it and the thrills it gave so damn much that I was hooked.

My first James Herbert obsession
A door had been opened at a prime time for horror novels. The 80s saw so many books published purely to strike terror into the reader, with exceptionally unsubtle covers. So we decided there was nothing better to do for Halloween than celebrate the shock of them all with fifteen Horror Book covers from those heady, blood soaked pulpy days.
Some are scary, some dodgy as hell – but all of them should be celebrated! 13 of the most hideous of book covers with no explanation needed.
#1 – Daddy’s Little Girl by Daniel Ransom

#2 – Home Sweet Home by Ruby Jean Jenson

#3 – Midnight Boy by Stephen Gresham

#4 – Chain Letter by Ruby Jean Jensen

#5 – The Cats by Nick Sharman

#6 – Cujo by Stephen King

#7 – The Wood by Guy N Smith

#8 – Slugs by Shaun Hutson

#9 – An anthology by Pan Books

#10 – Patricia Wallace brings the awesome Twice Blessed

#11 – Slither by John Halkin

#12 – Satan’s Love Child should win awards for its magnificence.

#13 – Cabal by Clive Barker

What a treat. I am sure I read every single one of these and many more besides. I miss those days, where I could literally read a book a day lounging in my bedroom; smiling as I cast my eyes over words designed to scare, yet eliciting a pleasure in me.
If you would like to feature here or you would like to submit your own blog piece on writing, mental health, wellbeing or anything relevant then get in touch at paul@poetsin.com
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We couldn’t let today go by without a nod to the horror book genre many of us love so much.
For lots of us, it is an escape. To be utterly absorbed in a scary story is in itself can be a form of self-care. I (PoetsIN Paul) like nothing more than being scared – it makes me feel alive.
So, for Halloween we’re taking a trip down a darkened memory lane for me. I touched on it briefly when I explained about my introduction to “grown up” writing, via horror books at a very early age. My first was The Rats by James Herbert when I was about 8 years old; and I loved it and the thrills it gave so damn much that I was hooked.
My first James Herbert obsession
A door had been opened at a prime time for horror novels. The 80s saw so many books published purely to strike terror into the reader, with exceptionally unsubtle covers. So we decided there was nothing better to do for Halloween than celebrate the shock of them all with fifteen Horror Book covers from those heady, blood soaked pulpy days.
Some are scary, some dodgy as hell – but all of them should be celebrated! 13 of the most hideous of book covers with no explanation needed.
#1 – Daddy’s Little Girl by Daniel Ransom
#2 – Home Sweet Home by Ruby Jean Jenson
#3 – Midnight Boy by Stephen Gresham
#4 – Chain Letter by Ruby Jean Jensen
#5 – The Cats by Nick Sharman
#6 – Cujo by Stephen King
#7 – The Wood by Guy N Smith
#8 – Slugs by Shaun Hutson
#9 – An anthology by Pan Books
#10 – Patricia Wallace brings the awesome Twice Blessed
#11 – Slither by John Halkin
#12 – Satan’s Love Child should win awards for its magnificence.
#13 – Cabal by Clive Barker
What a treat. I am sure I read every single one of these and many more besides. I miss those days, where I could literally read a book a day lounging in my bedroom; smiling as I cast my eyes over words designed to scare, yet eliciting a pleasure in me.
If you would like to feature here or you would like to submit your own blog piece on writing, mental health, wellbeing or anything relevant then get in touch at paul@poetsin.com