Everyone has a story to tell; each one of us writes poetry – some, without even realising. That stream of consciousness that runs in our veins? It’s poetry waiting to be written. We believe in the power of words, and that power is what urged us set up PoetsIN.
It’s because of those inner streams, that we are bringing you all a regular interview feature, Writer Profiles. An interview with a writer. This week it’s the fabulous Miriam Ruff.
Sit back, grab yourself a cuppa, and feast your eyes on this week’s writer profile.
What is your relationship with words and how has that evolved?
“My first love was a word, or two, or ten, all wrapped up in a cardboard cover and decorated with pictures inside and out. It was a book my parents read to me and then I learned to read myself. I don’t remember which book it was, and that doesn’t really matter. What does matter is that it was the first of many, many stories I encountered over my lifetime …
Love can’t be contained, though, nor should it. I revere the beauty of language, and reading has brought me to my love of writing, my need to express myself through the same words I found within the books’ covers, and others I discovered elsewhere along the way. I also teach, to share my love with others struggling to find their way in the world of words. To be separated from my love would be akin to cutting away a part of myself.” (From “True Love,” winner of a writing challenge to “Describe your first love.” © 2017 Miriam Ruff)
How long have you been writing, what is your favourite style of writing and why?
I’ve been writing professionally for over 30 years. I do everything from scientific papers to eBooks on preparing tea and caring for a pet parrot, but I most enjoy writing science fiction – the entire universe (and any parallel ones) is my playground, and my heart is already among the stars.
A life exists beyond what we do know,
Its boundaries are lost out in vast space;
And in the inner minds that are our place,
How can we learn what nature will not show?
We must seek out the answers so to grow,
But yet the universe will hide its face;
It will not yield with anything like grace,
But make us push it strongly to and fro.
Embodying all that’s beyond our scope,
We will still try to pry its secrets free;
To seek is not to give up all our hope,
But find a way to realize what we
must do within our lives so we can cope,
With endless bounds so called infinity.
© 2017 Miriam Ruff
Many of us within this group have experienced times where writing has helped us overcome times of pain, describe the first time you realised the true of power of words.
[Excerpt from “The Demon-Whisperer,” my first poem published, in the Journal of Humanistic Psychology] © 1999 Journal of Humanistic Psychology
They started when I was very young
Or perhaps before
I don’t remember which
But it doesn’t much matter
When the whispers came into my mind
The important thing is that they did
Voices that said Don’t do that!
Do this! Do that!
And I believed and accepted
That what they said was right
Because they were my constant companions
And I had no way to know they were not my friends
They spoke seductively to me at first
So I would listen
Promised me freedom and an easy life
If only I’d comply this once
Just do exactly what they said
Nothing more and never less
Until once grew into just once more
And more and more
Until I lived for them
And they through me
And I no longer knew where they stopped and I began
Or what it was to say no
Many writers love to read. What is your favourite book and why?
Poem: One poem has haunted me ever since I encountered it; and perhaps it, more than any other work, made me aware of how beautiful words themselves could be and how, together, those words could create an unforgettable scene. That work is the sonnet “Ozymandias,” written by the English Romantic poet Percy Bysshe Shelley, and first published in the 11 January 1818 issue of The Examiner in London. Its words are as vivid and true today as they were then. In his hubris, Ozymandias feeds upon the hearts of his people while building such magnificent structures that he proclaims, “Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!” Yet as the poem’s traveller sees the wreck of the king’s statue in the vast desert, he notes that “nothing beside remains.” Forgotten by Time, Ozymandias is a cautionary tale to those of us who would believe we are like gods in our demeanour and endeavours.
a serial monogamist
a favourite tome read again and again
savouring the deliciousness of the language
the richness of the images
splashed across my mind
until I discover another
and the process begins again
Sum up yourself in a haiku or micropoem.
an enigma of a puzzle
precariously balanced between selves
passionate about what I do
We all have moments where we truly connect with words we read. What quote inspires you the most. Why?
“The Earth is the cradle of humanity, but man cannot live in the cradle forever.” –Konstantin Tsiolkovsky
A Place in the Stars (A MarsLives Poem) © 2017 Miriam Ruff
I be drawn to the
Sky bright with
Twilight sun
Ground’s dust as red as
The blood we pour into
The mines Below
Standin’ on the surface
The hiss of air
Be comforting
Within the evac suit
I wear
I breathe quickly
But no panic
I just be
Tunnel rat
Out of my place
I come out here
So little
I feel I be a
In my own world
But the expanse be
Out there
Almost at tips of
Hands reachin’ out
And it remind me
Of our place
So special
Within the open space
Of astronomical things
I die
For my world
My home
More than that
I fight for it
Live for it
To see it live
For those like me
We Martians
We all be Martians
To the core
Describe your writing process.
I first put my ass in the chair
Nothing can change my mind
I try to remember thoughts there
Whatever I can find
Choosing a form that I can use
Hoping my thoughts, those I won’t lose
Choosing a form
Choosing a form
Gives me a start that’s not a ruse
I first put my ass in the chair
Then write at frenzied pace
The edits I don’t worry there
Just leave myself some extra space
I put down words that come to me
In showers and dreams that I see
I put down words
I put down words
With rhyme and meter that agree
I first put my ass in the chair
Then look at what I’ve done
I move some words here and some there
To make a tidy sum
I clean the form there as I need
Adding new points for better speed
I clean the form
I clean the form
And now I’m happy when you read
© 2017 Miriam Ruff
Writer’s block, real or a myth?
What happens when the words refuse to come?
Are we then stalled in what needs to be done?
We need to find a way to beat the block,
As in our minds we hear the clock tick-tock.
Is this block such we cannot overcome?
Our jumbled thoughts in silence overrun;
So nothing’s written once the day is done,
Of our ideas we must again take stock,
When words refuse.
Writing something surely beats writing none,
With discipline a writer you’ll become;
Each day new pieces of your work you’ll lock,
To pages before barren now will flock,
A constant rhythm of new thoughts that hum,
Words don’t refuse.
[A modified rondeau]
© 2017 Miriam Ruff
What is your favourite word?
Finish this sentence… Words are the epitome of…
…who we have become.
Our biggest thanks to Miriam for this wonderful interview. Stay tuned for more of these, next week!
Exquisite interview! Thank you for sharing…
Your words will never be plowed under a desert, Miriam. Hi!