This year is an exciting one for PoetsIN. We have plans. Big plans of growth through extending what we do, where we do it and with whom; by collaborating and aligning with people and organisations that mirror our views and outlook. It’s going to be a great year.
To that end, we’d like to introduce a new PoetsIN Ambassador. Jo is an incredible woman on an amazing journey, and we really look forward to working with her. We’ll bring you the full interview very soon, but for now, here’s a little taster. Meet Jo Hodson – PoetsIN Ambassador.
Jo Hodson – PoestIN Ambassador
My name is Jo Hodson and I help people experience all of themselves. In my work as a coach (and as a human being) I believe life is richest when we allow ourselves to embrace the messy as well as the magnificent – I help people tap into that space.
I am also a passionate plant-based foodie and that creeps into all the experiences, retreats and workshops I create.
Until 2011 I was an architect in a job that to many had glamour and prestige but inside my soul was dying. It was only when I met a guy who happened to have Aspergers, was vegan and didn’t play by society’s rules, that my perception of life and its meaning was flipped on its head. My reality shattered and I began to question everything I thought I always knew, and I saw my life for what it really was for the very first time. It was if a veil had been lifted.
We all have a mind, so we all have mental health. In the same way that we all have a body, so we all have physical health. It’s a spectrum.
We all have a mind, so we all have mental health
The curious thing about mental health is that we can’t see it. We, as humans, have a tendency to want to understand everything, but when you can’t see something that can make it trickier to understand, and this creates fear.
I have always been drawn to those who ‘see the world a little differently’, yet it is only in my recent adult years I have come to the awareness that I have ADHD, which created a lot of ‘aha’ moments when I reflected back to my childhood ‘tantrums’ and also more appreciation and understanding of the way my brain works now. It’s on ongoing journey of unravelling this ‘gift’.
I’m passionate about supporting mental health, but in particular the lens through which PoetstIN approaches it captures my heart and has personal meaning for me. Writing has been such a huge part of my own journey of self-exploration and it’s something I continue to share passionately. For me, the work you do is an effortless fit.
I think the power of creating space for self-expression is so often overlooked, yet PoetsIN creates that opportunity beautifully.
My love of words has been explored through the evolution of my blog which I began in 2011 shortly before quitting the ‘architecture dream’.
At first, I focused simply on writing recipes with a little intro blurb to each one, but as my personal journey deepened, I found I had way more to say beyond the food itself. I remember feeling conflicted and very unsure about bringing this ‘other side’ of me out to play, and thoughts such as ‘but what if people are only hear for the recipes’ niggled away at me for a long time.
Over the last few years, my style has definitely evolved into a more vulnerable and authentic space, and that’s an ongoing process. I believe that when you share vulnerably and openly, you give others permission to meet you in that space. It’s a truly beautiful relationship.
I also invite anyone who feels drawn to what I have shared to connect with me for a conversation via
Spiritual fire walks are just one of Jo’s many workshops
I host various workshops throughout the year but coming up very soon (this week) I am hosting a spiritual fire walk – a space to be present, to face fears, to raise your energy, to allow yourself to be seen and to step into your greatness.
I am currently writing a book centered around how we connect with our innate creativity. If you have a powerful personal story to share, I would love to hear from you!
For all of the above you can find me at:
We’re so damn pleased to align with Jo and look forward to working alongside her in whatever format the future brings.
This year is an exciting one for PoetsIN. We have plans. Big plans of growth through extending what we do, where we do it and with whom; by collaborating and aligning with people and organisations that mirror our views and outlook. It’s going to be a great year.
To that end, we’d like to introduce a new PoetsIN Ambassador. Jo is an incredible woman on an amazing journey, and we really look forward to working with her. We’ll bring you the full interview very soon, but for now, here’s a little taster. Meet Jo Hodson – PoetsIN Ambassador.
My name is Jo Hodson and I help people experience all of themselves. In my work as a coach (and as a human being) I believe life is richest when we allow ourselves to embrace the messy as well as the magnificent – I help people tap into that space.
I am also a passionate plant-based foodie and that creeps into all the experiences, retreats and workshops I create.
Until 2011 I was an architect in a job that to many had glamour and prestige but inside my soul was dying. It was only when I met a guy who happened to have Aspergers, was vegan and didn’t play by society’s rules, that my perception of life and its meaning was flipped on its head. My reality shattered and I began to question everything I thought I always knew, and I saw my life for what it really was for the very first time. It was if a veil had been lifted.
We all have a mind, so we all have mental health. In the same way that we all have a body, so we all have physical health. It’s a spectrum.
The curious thing about mental health is that we can’t see it. We, as humans, have a tendency to want to understand everything, but when you can’t see something that can make it trickier to understand, and this creates fear.
I have always been drawn to those who ‘see the world a little differently’, yet it is only in my recent adult years I have come to the awareness that I have ADHD, which created a lot of ‘aha’ moments when I reflected back to my childhood ‘tantrums’ and also more appreciation and understanding of the way my brain works now. It’s on ongoing journey of unravelling this ‘gift’.
I’m passionate about supporting mental health, but in particular the lens through which PoetstIN approaches it captures my heart and has personal meaning for me. Writing has been such a huge part of my own journey of self-exploration and it’s something I continue to share passionately. For me, the work you do is an effortless fit.
I think the power of creating space for self-expression is so often overlooked, yet PoetsIN creates that opportunity beautifully.
My love of words has been explored through the evolution of my blog which I began in 2011 shortly before quitting the ‘architecture dream’.
At first, I focused simply on writing recipes with a little intro blurb to each one, but as my personal journey deepened, I found I had way more to say beyond the food itself. I remember feeling conflicted and very unsure about bringing this ‘other side’ of me out to play, and thoughts such as ‘but what if people are only hear for the recipes’ niggled away at me for a long time.
Over the last few years, my style has definitely evolved into a more vulnerable and authentic space, and that’s an ongoing process. I believe that when you share vulnerably and openly, you give others permission to meet you in that space. It’s a truly beautiful relationship.
I also invite anyone who feels drawn to what I have shared to connect with me for a conversation via
I host various workshops throughout the year but coming up very soon (this week) I am hosting a spiritual fire walk – a space to be present, to face fears, to raise your energy, to allow yourself to be seen and to step into your greatness.
I am currently writing a book centered around how we connect with our innate creativity. If you have a powerful personal story to share, I would love to hear from you!
For all of the above you can find me at:
We’re so damn pleased to align with Jo and look forward to working alongside her in whatever format the future brings.