Here beginneth the second part; here we are once again, indulging in the philosophical question—can there be a religion without god? I should once again warn the reader, that I. read more…
Part One Eighteen months ago I made a startling discovery that changed my life. Not only my future life but also my past life. Or at least the past eighteen. read more…
Welcome to the next installment of etymology pieces. This time round, Kelly delves into the word etymology (how meta), dandelions and prostitutes. Infortainment for you. So, read on, dear reader.. read more…
Our anthologies consisting entirely of submission by group members and service users have been very popular. To see your work in print on your bookshelf is a thing of beauty.. read more…
Imagine that you are visiting a restaurant in an unfamiliar city. You are seated and then presented with a menu in a foreign language. The restaurant’s menu does not have. read more…
Welcome back to our blog series “Have You Watched a Good Book Lately?” The series’ intention is to track a number of books’ progression from the printed page to the. read more…
Do you wonder where words and sayings originated? Well, wonder no more as the extremely well read and talented Kelly Knox investigates this very thing for us all. This time. read more…
It’s been nearly two weeks since the PoetsIN Schools Stress Ball and we’re still trying to get our heads around everything after being blown away by the success of it. read more…
It’s our Birthday! We’re two years old. How on earth did that happen? Another year of being a formally established as a charity, and BOY has it been a year. read more…
Category: PoetsIN
A Religion Without God: Taboo, Ritual and Religion (Part 2) by Kelly Knox
Here beginneth the second part; here we are once again, indulging in the philosophical question—can there be a religion without god? I should once again warn the reader, that I. read more…
Dazed and Confused – Guest Blog by ‘The Distant Voice’
Part One Eighteen months ago I made a startling discovery that changed my life. Not only my future life but also my past life. Or at least the past eighteen. read more…
Etymology of Etymology, Dandelion and Prostitute
Welcome to the next installment of etymology pieces. This time round, Kelly delves into the word etymology (how meta), dandelions and prostitutes. Infortainment for you. So, read on, dear reader.. read more…
Anthology Submission Call – For Over 18s AND Under 18s.
Our anthologies consisting entirely of submission by group members and service users have been very popular. To see your work in print on your bookshelf is a thing of beauty.. read more…
How Words Mean: The Meaning of the Word “Word” in 1539 Words – by Kelly Knox
Imagine that you are visiting a restaurant in an unfamiliar city. You are seated and then presented with a menu in a foreign language. The restaurant’s menu does not have. read more…
Have You Watched a Good Book Lately? – The Tell-Tale Heart by Edgar Allan Poe
Welcome back to our blog series “Have You Watched a Good Book Lately?” The series’ intention is to track a number of books’ progression from the printed page to the. read more…
Etymology of the word Panic by Kelly Knox
Do you wonder where words and sayings originated? Well, wonder no more as the extremely well read and talented Kelly Knox investigates this very thing for us all. This time. read more…
The Stress Ball Fundraiser – What a Huge Success!
It’s been nearly two weeks since the PoetsIN Schools Stress Ball and we’re still trying to get our heads around everything after being blown away by the success of it. read more…
PoetsIN Is Two Years Old!
It’s our Birthday! We’re two years old. How on earth did that happen? Another year of being a formally established as a charity, and BOY has it been a year. read more…
PoetsIN Event Organiser Sam Wilkinson on why the Stress Ball Fundraiser for PoetsIN Schools Means so Much
Who are you and what do you do? Hi I am Sam, a mum of two beautiful girls and a home school educator and carer. I spend my days looking. read more…