The following information provides information about the impact PoetsIN provides across its services.

Before you cast your eyes upon our results, we’d like to give you more information about how we measure and monitor the impact of our programmes.

Warwick Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scales

We use the Warwick Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing (WEMWBS) scores as one measure of our impact. The WEMWBS scores start at 14 (being the least mentally well) and end at 70 (being the most mentally well) – It is unusual for anyone to have a score of 70 due to life and environmental factors. 

These scales indicate if someone has a poor mental wellbeing, a moderate mental wellbeing, or a high/good mental wellbeing. 

We ask all group members to fill in the WEMWBS form prior to starting the sessions to measure their wellbeing and then again at the end of the sessions to show our impact on their mental health and wellbeing. Even a score improvement of 2 (depending on their original score) can show a poor mental wellbeing being improved to a moderate mental wellbeing. 



These stats have been captured over the last three years. The first year of recording the above stats were based upon our research and development phase.

We utilise the Warwick Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scales (more information above) along with our own in-house impact assessment that looks deeper into social and environmental factors that can affect an individuals’ mental wellbeing.

Children and Young People
