Everyone has a story to tell; each one of us writes poetry – some, without even realising. That stream of consciousness that runs in our veins? It’s poetry waiting to be written. We believe in the power of words, and that power is what urged us set up PoetsIN.
It’s because of those inner streams, that we are bringing you all a regular interview feature, Writer Profiles. An interview with a writer. This week it’s the most awesome Matt.
Sit back, grab yourself a cuppa, and feast your eyes on this week’s writer profile.

What is your relationship with words and how has that evolved?
I’ve always written in pads and bits of paper at school it was a way of getting my feelings out and to stop me from internalising. I was always very secretive about this as it wasnt seen as a very masculine thing to do and in some ways it still isnt especially within the genre of poetry I write. Men don’t discuss feelings and fears do they?? Evolution over time as a person has enabled me to be braver and more open with my words.
How long have you been writing, what is your favourite style of writing and why?
Since childhood as stated earlier, I love to write all kinds of things but mainly poetry based on my childhood and my ongoing battle with depression and low self esteem.
I find writing very cathartic and the periods of depression seem more bearable when I write
Many of us within this group have experienced times where writing has helped us overcome times of pain, describe the first time you realised the true of power of words
I only really realised what effect words could have when I started placing them on my poetry page. I never ever thought anyone would like or understand what I wrote. Even today with over 5 thousand likes and nearly 3 thousand followers I still have huge periods of self doubt
Many writers love to read. What is your favourite book and why?
My favourite book is called One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich by Alexander Solzenitsyn, It is so visual and transports into his world whenever I read it which is at least once a year I also have a second favourite which is Looking for Alaska by John Green not an instant choice for a man of my age 53 but the story is captivating and so well written I couldn’t put it down.
Write us a micropoem that describes you.
I write it helps me fight
I read to stop the bleed
Words are my crutch
Words are what I need
What is your favourite quote and why?
Living is what scares me. Dying is easy
– Charles Manson.
Because in essence it is the truth
Describe your writing process.
I write first in my head, little snippets and lines form and then I piece them together, I;m forever watch TV and a line will be said in a show or film and I will manipulate it and twist it into something that is mine, I always have a pad and pen on me and am constantly recording phrases on my phone.
Writer’s block, real or a myth?
Its very real and I have bouts of going weeks at a time without actually writing anything although I still write in my head it’s like nothing will come when I sit in front of the screen
What is your favourite word?
My favourite word is Cobainesque I made it up and it’s very powerful when you relate to it as being linked to Kurt Cobains life/death and music. I also love the word eloquent because unsurprisingly it is so very eloquent
Finish this sentence… Words are the epitome of…
Words are the epitome of inner strength
Our biggest thanks to Matt for his wonderful interview, you can grab his book here, and read more from him on his facebook page.
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Everyone has a story to tell; each one of us writes poetry – some, without even realising. That stream of consciousness that runs in our veins? It’s poetry waiting to be written. We believe in the power of words, and that power is what urged us set up PoetsIN.
It’s because of those inner streams, that we are bringing you all a regular interview feature, Writer Profiles. An interview with a writer. This week it’s the most awesome Matt.
Sit back, grab yourself a cuppa, and feast your eyes on this week’s writer profile.
What is your relationship with words and how has that evolved?
I’ve always written in pads and bits of paper at school it was a way of getting my feelings out and to stop me from internalising. I was always very secretive about this as it wasnt seen as a very masculine thing to do and in some ways it still isnt especially within the genre of poetry I write. Men don’t discuss feelings and fears do they?? Evolution over time as a person has enabled me to be braver and more open with my words.
How long have you been writing, what is your favourite style of writing and why?
Since childhood as stated earlier, I love to write all kinds of things but mainly poetry based on my childhood and my ongoing battle with depression and low self esteem.
I find writing very cathartic and the periods of depression seem more bearable when I write
Many of us within this group have experienced times where writing has helped us overcome times of pain, describe the first time you realised the true of power of words
I only really realised what effect words could have when I started placing them on my poetry page. I never ever thought anyone would like or understand what I wrote. Even today with over 5 thousand likes and nearly 3 thousand followers I still have huge periods of self doubt
Many writers love to read. What is your favourite book and why?
My favourite book is called One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich by Alexander Solzenitsyn, It is so visual and transports into his world whenever I read it which is at least once a year I also have a second favourite which is Looking for Alaska by John Green not an instant choice for a man of my age 53 but the story is captivating and so well written I couldn’t put it down.
Write us a micropoem that describes you.
I write it helps me fight
I read to stop the bleed
Words are my crutch
Words are what I need
What is your favourite quote and why?
– Charles Manson.
Because in essence it is the truth
Describe your writing process.
I write first in my head, little snippets and lines form and then I piece them together, I;m forever watch TV and a line will be said in a show or film and I will manipulate it and twist it into something that is mine, I always have a pad and pen on me and am constantly recording phrases on my phone.
Writer’s block, real or a myth?
Its very real and I have bouts of going weeks at a time without actually writing anything although I still write in my head it’s like nothing will come when I sit in front of the screen
What is your favourite word?
My favourite word is Cobainesque I made it up and it’s very powerful when you relate to it as being linked to Kurt Cobains life/death and music. I also love the word eloquent because unsurprisingly it is so very eloquent
Finish this sentence… Words are the epitome of…
Words are the epitome of inner strength
Our biggest thanks to Matt for his wonderful interview, you can grab his book here, and read more from him on his facebook page.