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Dear Anxiety, From Me to You – Pt 2

*to read part one of the series, click here


I’m not quite sure what drives your obsession with me

Or why no matter where I go -from you I can’t flee

But I’m certain I’ve not done anything wrong

Yet, since I was a child you’ve been tagging along

Remember how you’d always wake me up late at night?

With sheer terror on my face and my eyes filled with fright

It was you who introduced me to debilitating fear

By whispering what if’s and pending doom in my ear

You must have reveled the day I had my heart checked

To be sure my chest pain was not a defect

I can picture you sat right next to me -sneering

And while I waited for answers, it was your voice I was hearing


“You’re going to die soon -and there’s nothing they can do

Then your parents will kill themselves and they’ll be dead too

No one will be there to care for your dog or your brother

Will the state take them or will they live with grandmother?

Now don’t go forgetting about the candy you once stole

For that, Satan’s surely put his claim on your soul

Doesn’t it tear you apart that because you were bad

You’ll not make it to Heaven to see your great granddad?”


Damn -I wonder if the world knows how cruel you are

How bad thoughts that you plant leave such a deep scar

When the doc said I passed every test that they ran

I could hear you laughing -like some twisted madman

You knew you’d live inside me for at least another year

Filling my head with worry and a deep-seeded fear

“What if they’re wrong and the tests were misread

I’m certain at any minute, I’ll drop stone-cold dead”

You were almost in hysterics when you had come to learn

The doctors chalked it up to a bad case of heartburn

It took many more years to find the source of the pain

It was you all along and now I know your real name

They call you Anxiety -you’re a most unwelcome guest

Stealing air from my lungs and planting panic in my chest

In the shadows of my mind is where you always hide

And your friend they call Depression, is often by your side

I know that you’ll never cease your stalking of me

And I don’t underestimate just how powerful you can be

But I’ve steadily been learning how I can fight back

How to defend myself better from your panic attack

You see these words written down right here?

They give me the strength to expel your imbedded fear

I hope that you’re picturing me, sat with pen in hand

Sadistically laughing at you -like some twisted madman



Written by PoetsIN team member, Lish. 


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