Deinstitutionalization As the inhumane conditions of asylums were critiqued, and other treatments began to be developed, the 20th century saw mental health treatment go through a period of deinstitutionalization. Care. read more…
Here beginneth the second part; here we are once again, indulging in the philosophical question—can there be a religion without god? I should once again warn the reader, that I. read more…
Welcome to the next installment of etymology pieces. This time round, Kelly delves into the word etymology (how meta), dandelions and prostitutes. Infortainment for you. So, read on, dear reader.. read more…
Project Romania: Words & Disadvantaged Children We have something very exciting to share with you all in this blog piece. PoetsIN is growing slowly but surely, and we have attracted. read more…
Tag: education
A History of Mental Health Part Three – The Deinstitutionalisation Era
Deinstitutionalization As the inhumane conditions of asylums were critiqued, and other treatments began to be developed, the 20th century saw mental health treatment go through a period of deinstitutionalization. Care. read more…
A Religion Without God: Taboo, Ritual and Religion (Part 2) by Kelly Knox
Here beginneth the second part; here we are once again, indulging in the philosophical question—can there be a religion without god? I should once again warn the reader, that I. read more…
Etymology of Etymology, Dandelion and Prostitute
Welcome to the next installment of etymology pieces. This time round, Kelly delves into the word etymology (how meta), dandelions and prostitutes. Infortainment for you. So, read on, dear reader.. read more…
PoetsIN: Teaching Disadvantaged Children
Project Romania: Words & Disadvantaged Children We have something very exciting to share with you all in this blog piece. PoetsIN is growing slowly but surely, and we have attracted. read more…