Time has been my friend, patience my new pal. Keeping my cool for three years straight has been a winning goal.
Writing and writing for all to see and reading what you’ve thought, has made me more determined to carry on working towards my dreams.
Coming out as transgender was the most terrifying thing. I did it, it’s been widely accepted and that has made my life. Being who I truly am, not hiding behind a mask, I have become who I was meant to be and I know I will achieve my goal of being a real-life man.
Completing my distance learning course in journalism was, and is, one of the most awesome things I’ve done. Qualified to write, a passion on its own, now my joy will pay a wage –what more can I ask for!
Luke used to hate writing before PoetsIN and has now passed a journalism course.
Getting through grueling therapy for nearly two whole years has been so hard and I’m almost there, despite my ups and downs.
Meeting my sister’s kids!! Oh, what a tear or two I shed, for now they know who I am and I can see them blossom. Making my sister proud for not cutting up is a blessing to her life and one I’m proud to give.
There have been challenges of health and mood aplenty. But look at me -I’m standing tall, still around to tell the tale. Coming second in a flash fiction competition and receiving my award, I never believed I was good enough. I stand corrected –I’m great!
My self-esteem has soared, confidence grown high. This year has been amazing when I look back and see how far I’ve come and all I have achieved.
It was Stargazer that would tell Luke to cut.
Me or You (Luke and Stargazer)
There was a time
You came to me
When your life wasn’t fine
I am a place for you to feel free
I was alone,
All by myself
When you came into my life
A friend you became
But slowly started to drive me insane
Without me you were oppressed
Afraid, alone
Feeling stressed
I gave you peace of mind
I was the one to throw you a bone
Others beat me black and blue
The safety net you offered
Seemed to be so true
Over time I realized
My mood became more blue
Revenge on those who hurt you
Was my only goal
Yet you fought all my intentions
And look where you are now!
Because of you
I’m in a cage
So full of anger and pure rage
Leave me alone,
Let me be
I am the one to set me free
I’ll let you go
See how far you get
How much you betting
You’ll fall flat
(Luke) Thank you for your understanding But I will prove you wrong I am myself When you’re not around You’ll drive me into the muddy ground
NB: Stargazer was the entity that used to tell Luke to self harm.
Time has been my friend, patience my new pal. Keeping my cool for three years straight has been a winning goal.
Writing and writing for all to see and reading what you’ve thought, has made me more determined to carry on working towards my dreams.
Coming out as transgender was the most terrifying thing. I did it, it’s been widely accepted and that has made my life. Being who I truly am, not hiding behind a mask, I have become who I was meant to be and I know I will achieve my goal of being a real-life man.
Completing my distance learning course in journalism was, and is, one of the most awesome things I’ve done. Qualified to write, a passion on its own, now my joy will pay a wage –what more can I ask for!
Getting through grueling therapy for nearly two whole years has been so hard and I’m almost there, despite my ups and downs.
Meeting my sister’s kids!! Oh, what a tear or two I shed, for now they know who I am and I can see them blossom. Making my sister proud for not cutting up is a blessing to her life and one I’m proud to give.
There have been challenges of health and mood aplenty. But look at me -I’m standing tall, still around to tell the tale. Coming second in a flash fiction competition and receiving my award, I never believed I was good enough. I stand corrected –I’m great!
My self-esteem has soared, confidence grown high. This year has been amazing when I look back and see how far I’ve come and all I have achieved.
Me or You
(Luke and Stargazer)
There was a time
You came to me
When your life wasn’t fine
I am a place for you to feel free
I was alone,
All by myself
When you came into my life
A friend you became
But slowly started to drive me insane
Without me you were oppressed
Afraid, alone
Feeling stressed
I gave you peace of mind
I was the one to throw you a bone
Others beat me black and blue
The safety net you offered
Seemed to be so true
Over time I realized
My mood became more blue
Revenge on those who hurt you
Was my only goal
Yet you fought all my intentions
And look where you are now!
Because of you
I’m in a cage
So full of anger and pure rage
Leave me alone,
Let me be
I am the one to set me free
I’ll let you go
See how far you get
How much you betting
You’ll fall flat
Thank you for your understanding
But I will prove you wrong
I am myself
When you’re not around
You’ll drive me into the muddy ground
NB: Stargazer was the entity that used to tell Luke to self harm.